Top 5 Pilates Books.

I’ll be honest. If someone tesll me that they have been learning Pilates from a book I inwardly cringe. Personally I feel that you can only get a proper understanding of Pilates from attending a class with a good teacher. One who will correct your technique, be hands on with you if needed and who takes the time to understand you and your body. Where books can be useful if for home practice or for learning more about how and why exercises work. It’s still not as a good as a class where a teacher can eyeball you… but it’s definitely a good idea to try and do some Pilates practice between classes if you can. Pilates with Priya: Top 5 Pilates books So here are my top 5 Pilates books: 1. A Pilates Primer: Return to life through Contrology and your health by Joseph Pilates – this has the original exercises in that Joseph Pilates designed as a home workout. However please do not use this as your home workout, we modify these exercises now! It is a good read to learn how Pilates started, for those interested in Mr Pilates himself. For home workouts, I find The Body Control Books are all pretty good options, with clear instructions and good tips on technique. 2. The Complete Classic Pilates Method by Lynne Robinson. A good starter book to have. 3. The Pilates Bible: The Most Comprehensive and Accessible Guide to Pilates Ever by Lynne Robinson. This has so many exercises in it that you are bound to find ones you recognise. Pick the ones you know help your body and that you need to work on. 4. Pilates: Simple Routines for Home, Work and Travel by Alan Herdman This has some nice stretches you can use in the morning and a good section with exercises you can do at work which I like. 5. Pilates for Life by Darcey Bussell. Split into sections making it easy to follow. You probably won’t end up looking like Darcey but you can imagine 😉

The best Pilates leggings?

Decent clothing for Pilates is a must for me. There are days I am teaching all day and days when I’m in my Pilates apparel all day between classes, the school run and meetings. So not only does it need to be functional but it need to look good and wash well too. Here are the gorgeous tops I was sent, pink is not normally my favourite colour but I’m loving this particular pink top.


My latest favourite items are the leggings I was also sent from Helly Hansen. They wash well, they fit like a glove, they are thick enough for Pilates (a see-through bum is not a good look) and they feel very nice, so nice that I’ve had people stroking my legs 😉 I’ve worn and washed them a few times now and they are still looking as good as new. I’ve had several compliments on them too so I reckon they look pretty good on 😉

I was invited to a Helly Hansen event recently but was unable to make it, so they kindly sent me some free kit to try out. I’m now definitely a fan.

Photo credit to Anthony Potts
Photo credit to Anthony Potts

I have a fair few pairs of black Pilates trousers in my life. Some end up attracting fluff too easily, some don’t wash well and some don’t fit as well as I would like. So thankyou Helly Hansen for creating the almost-perfect pair of leggings for Pilates. Now all I need is a pair that are child-friendly and repel sticky finger prints!!

Dislcaimer: I was sent these clothes free of charge, all views are my own and I was not paid financially for this post.



Life with 2 kids

The past 15 months has actually flown by in a mix of sleep deprivation, adrenaline and frenzied activity including Pilates. Having my second baby has meant that I’ve found a lot of things easier in terms of understanding my baby’s needs, realising why they are crying and knowing top tips like how to occupy a mobile baby when you need them to lie still for a nappy change (give them your phone) and to never throw them in the air after a feed, unless you like a milk explosion in your hair.

Pilates with Priya: my crazy family

What have I learnt?

That having 2 kids is twice the work, twice the sleep deprivation but four times the pleasure. I’ve so enjoyed watching my 2 get to know each other. From the moment her little brother was born Miss K has loved spending time with him and now he reciprocates that. Watching how their faces light up when they see each other is just beautiful.

Boys are cheekier, move faster, get into more mischief but give more kisses and cuddles! Today I’ve had a toothbrush in the toilet, porridge in my hair and found him standing up at the kitchen sink trying to wash up.

Changing a boys nappy is different to a girls 😉

Second baby means you are even more sleep deprived as you wake up with both children and cannot nap in the day. My best moment recently was getting a lift home with hubby and not realising for over 24 hours that I’d left my car the other side of the city. Thankfully not in a car park or that would have been a big fine!

I can juggle a lot of things at once, most of the time. Some days it gets too much and I just need to ask for help. You know what? That is ok. Find friends who you can be yourself with, hang out with warts and all and who will be there at those times.

Children break you – in the nicest posssible way. My patience has been tested to it’s limits, my teaching skills refined and my  body pushed, pulled and climbed upon. I lift, carry, throw and move heavy people daily. Pilates fixes me and my children break me. It’s an ongoing battle.

My studio is my haven. In there, it is usually peaceful 😉

Top Tips:

Relax into the carnage. Your house will be a mess but your children are making memories and you don’t want to miss those moments. The second you tidy up there will be a child filling the space.

Keep a camera ready at all times. Thank goodness for my phone. Capture those funny times.

Embrace the moment. They really do grow up so very fast. You don’t want to miss it. Even when you’ve been rocking the baby for an hour, feeding most of the night or have to cancel something as the toddler is ill – I try to see the positive. I get to spend more time with them whilst they are little.

Prepare ahead as much as you can. If I have a hectic morning I will even put the cereal in bowls the night before. If you want to eat healthily then cooking in bulk and meal planning really helps. However as much as you prepare ahead, there will be times a nappy explosion comes at the wrong time and you are just late!

Nutrition in Pregnancy: What to Eat.

Diet in pregnancy is key. What you eat in that time will influence the growth and development of baby not only whilst it is in your womb but for the rest of it’s life. It is therefore a pretty big responsibilty to eat well isn’t it. Research shows us the risk of chronic diseases can be influenced this early on by the mum’s diet – we are talking type 2 diabetes, obesity and some inflammatory diseases, so it’s pretty important stuff. Your baby’s tastes can also be influenced by what you are eating, which makes sense seeing as they are getting their nutrition from you. Here are some top tips on how to ensure your diet is well balanced and keeps both mum and baby in tip top condition.

Nutrition in Pregnancy -What to Eat.

Eating for 2?
A myth, sadly! You actually don’t need to eat as much extra as you may think when pregnanct. Many people I meet use pregnancy as a chance to over indulge. It’s almost a green light for chocolate and biscuits. However the body actually adapts in pregnancy by either absorbing more from food or by decreasing the amount of nutrients lost. It’s a very clever system, which means you don’t need to be eating much more at all when pregnant. For example non-haem iron (from plant sources) is absorbed better and less iron is lost as menstruation does not occur in pregnancy. For some nutrients such as calcium the increased amount needed for the baby is met extra calcium being released from the mum’s bones.

You will need the equivalent of an extra slice of toast and a banana in the last trimester of pregnancy, but that is about all. The best thing is to eat according to appetite, sticking to healthy, nutritious foods. It is also good to not deprive yourself, so the odd treat is still allowed! I used to have a soft spot for Crunchie’s when pregnant 😉

Key nutrients to focus on are:
Folate – extra 400µg per day for first 12 weeks of pregnancy and during conception.
Vitamin D – 10µg per day throughout pregnancy
Vitamin C – extra 10µg/day in last trimester
Vitamin A – caution, 100µg/day only, some vitamin supplements will be unsuitable in pregnancy as they contain too much Vitamin A.

Iron – eat plenty of iron rich foods. Good sources are red meat, green leafy veggies, dried fruit, beans and pulses, nuts, seeds and fortified breakfast cereals. Try a lentil bolognaise with plenty of green veggies or make some hummus with chickpeas and tahini.

Calcium – include good sources of this 3-4 times a day (yoghurt, milk, ovaltine, ready brek, dried fruit, rice pudding, custard, sesame seeds, gree leafy vegetables, fish with small bones). Why not make a smoothie with fresh fruit and yoghurt.
Omega 3’s – eat 1 x 140g portion of oily fish per week – salmon, fresh tuna, haddock, trout, mackerel, pilchards, kippers and sardines. You could make a fish pate or try sardines in tomato sauce on a baked potato.

Plan to Eat:
At least 5 portions of fruit and vegetables per day
Starchy carbohydrates at each meal – focus on wholegrains
Iron rich foods each day
3-4 calcium foods a day (yoghurt, milk, cheese, rice pudding, custard, sesame seeds, green leafy veggies, ready brek)
Oily fish once a week
Lean protein daily

Come discuss Pre/Postnatal Nutrition on #PPNchat Tues 13th Jan 10am.

Every month myself and the lovely Claire Mockridge host #ppnchat. This is an hours twitter chat for anyone working in the pre/post natal field. Not just pilates instructors but massage therapists, doula’s, personal trainers, chirpractors, osteopaths, yoga teachers, antenatal class teachers, midiwfes, physios, nutrition experts… and this is not an exhaustive list of course.

It can be pretty lonely working in this field as there aren’t that many who specilise in this area, so if that is you or someone you know then come along and join in the fun on TUESDAY 13th JANUARY 2015 at 10am.

We are there to network, , swap ideas, share knowledge, learn from each other and each month we discuss a topic.

This month it is NUTRITION. You may or may not know that  I am also a dietitian, so I’m well equipped to share some tips on this subject. Here are the questions we shall be covering (but feel free to add your own in the chat).

Health Meal, Words Image


1. What are the main areas of confusion for pre/postnatal nutrition?

2. The foods should be avoided in pregnancy?

3. What are the key nutrients that need a special focus on when pregnant/postnatally?

4. Does the body need extra when breastfeeding? If so how can this be provided?

5. Share some healthy snacks and recipes for new mums and mums to be.



  1. Every tweet you send must contain the hashtag #ppnchat (otherwise you’ll be just talking to yoursel
  2. When answering a question, please include ‘A1′ at the beginning, followed by your answer: eg A1 Yes, I test all of my postnatal clients for abdominal separation when they come along to my fitness and Pilates classes #ppnchat
  3. Tweets must be fewer than 140 characters, so keep things short and keep chatting.
  4. Twitter’s tagline is ‘Join the Conversation’, so please don’t be shy!

If you can’t make the #ppnchat  don’t worry – just search the #ppnchat hashtag when you’re next online and connect with those who took part afterwards. We will also upload a summary of it all after the event.

Please help spread the word about #ppnchat on TwitterFacebookInstagram,  Pinterest or via your mailing list.

See you on the 13th at 10am.

Make sure you have a healthy brekkie 😉

Southampton Customer Service Award

Venus Awards customer_south

We are thrilled to have been nominated and have made it through the to semi-finals for the Venus Awards Customer Service Award.

I must admit I don’t tend to tink a lot about our customer service, it is just something we do. We naturally try out best to accomodate all our clients the best that we can, respons to enquiries quicly and be approachable. We also love to get to know our clients and to help them out however we can  – which can range from meeting people for a cuppa, running with a new idea someone suggests or recommending other local businesses to them.

The voting for this award is only open until Thursday so if you could pop over and give us a little vote we would appreciate it 🙂


Priya and James x