Prepare to Plank

Let’s talk planks.

An amazing exercise for building core strength, for working the whole of your body and there is so much you can layer and add into a plank.

Also one of the exercises that therefore needs great technique or a lot can go wrong. All too often people are encouraged to dive head on into a full plank without knowing the hows, why’s and why nots. I love a challenge, but I don’t like the planking challenges. Personally I do not see the benefit to being able to hold a static plank. I have a body that rarely stays that still and so far more useful is a moving plank with levers and motion.

Many people are just not strong enough to launch into planks. These are not beginner exercises. Done incorrectly the intra-abdominal pressure will build up and it has to go somewhere, so if you have weak abdominals these may sag and bulge or the same with your pelvic floor. I remember attending a mums and babies fitness class with mums there 6 weeks after having baby – all being told to plank for 1 minute. If your core is not ready, do not do a full plank, if you have recently had a baby and you are rebuilding your strength, do not plank, if you have a weak pelvic floor, do not plank. Now that may sound harsh and rather black and white… so here is the softer version. There is a version of a plank that everyone can do, it is just finding your level and knowing which muscles to use plus ensuring you breath.

So what about if you really want to plank or if you are in a class with planks and you need a variation? Here are some plank progressions for you, including a standing version that I use with my pregnant and postnatal ladies.


I’d love to hear how you find these. For more videos and tips do follow me on Instagram and Youtube.




Bodyweight workouts and Pilates

Bodyweight workouts are those that use your bodweight as the resistance and challenge instead of equipment. Think of lunges, squats, press up, planks. These types of exercises help you tone up and build muscle. Muscle increases the metabolic rate of the body so you burn more calories. The more muscle you have the more fat you can burn so the leaner you become!


Pilates is one of those types of exercises where we often use our own bodyweight as the resistance. This offers quite a few benefits:

1. You get to know your own body and get in tune with it.

2. You don’t need expensive equipment to do it at home.

3. Using your bodyweight has been shown to be an effective way to workout in a short period of time.

4. You can modify the exercises if you feel you are not strong enough whereas it can be harder to reduce the weight of some equipment.


Good Pilates exercises to do that use your bodyweight:

Planks: 1/2 planks, full planks, planks with leg lifts.

Press ups: against a wall, half or full.


Front leg Pull Back

Roll Ups

The hundred with pumping arms

Double leg stretch


Next time you do Pilates think about how you are using your body as a weight/resistance and how you can work against the resistance to work even harder. Think about your arms/legs being heavy as you stretch them away or them being the weights.