Pilates Classes Over Holidays

Most of you who attend classes should be aware that I’m off on holidays very soon (4th Sept). I can’t wait!!!

There will be classes continuing to run on a Monday, Wednesday and Sunday whilst I am away. Also don’t forget our DVD which can be used if your usual class is not running or for some extra practice between sessions.

September 4th-22nd Classes:

Monday Post Natal Classes will be cancelled

Monday 5.30 Beginners, 6.30 Intermediates and 7.45 Ante-Natal will be
running, covered by Maxine

Wednesday 6pm and 7pm Beginners will run, covered by Faye

Thursday 10am and 8pm Mixed Ability Classes will be cancelled (please
book onto Wed 8pm or another class)

Friday 8.15pm Mixed Ability class will be cancelled (please book onto
Wed 8pm or another class)

Saturday 9.15 Mixed Ability class will be moved to Sunday 9.15, covered
by Faye

Sunday 9.30 Ante-Natal will move to a 10.15 start, covered by Faye.


Any questions please contact us and we’d be happy to help!


New Ante-Natal Class Starts

May saw the launch of a New Ante-Natal Pilates class for our little studio. Taught by Priya this is now our second Ante-Natal Class and is already full of lovelies mums to be. It’s lovely to be getting such an influx of pregnant ladies that a second class has had been put on to cater for demand. We only take a maximum of 7 people so there is plenty of time for individual help. In fact that’s one thing Priya loves to do, go round the class and advise.

All the ladies tonight turned up with their own birthing balls, ready for action. These classes are designed to help strengthen your core, stretch out your upper back, correct postural imbalances and prepare you for not only labour but life afterwards too.

So now we have 2 Ante-Natal classes plus we have a fabulous Post Natal Class for after baby comes so you can come along with baby, do some Pilates and have a cuppa and chat afterwards 😉


Pilates DVD will be ready next week!

DRUMROLL please………

Our first EVER Pilates with Priya DVD master has just been driven off to the man who will make it into many DVD’s and add all the artwork. It’s all quite exciting, in fact I’m having to make myself breathe and sit down with a cup of tea whilst I write this.

We’ve kept the DVD quite simple, like my classes, easy to follow, easy to listen to and perhaps even easy on the eye (that may be taking it a bit too far – it’s me on the DVD).

The DVD is designed for use at home in between Pilates classes, suitable for those with a little Pilates experience at a beginner or intermediate level.

It will retail at £12.50 for current studio clients (BARGAIN) or £17.50 for everyone else plus £2.50 P&P if you aren’t local.

I shall be adding a way to pay through the website and am taking pre-orders now.

Whoop Whoop!


Enter the New Website of Glory!

I’ve been a little quiet for a few weeks, a few of you have probably been relished the peace and quiet! I thought I’d just let you know what I’ve been up to….

First exciting project has been THIS WEBSITE, you’re on it now, take a look round and see what you think. It’s been given a make over by Michael of Rocket Man Media. I’d love your feedback, there’s now a class timetable, an instructors page and some lovely photos!

Secondly again with the help of Michael I’ve been working on the first Pilates with Priya DVD. Some of you have been waiting a long time for this (sorry!) and I appreciate your patience. It should be ready very soon and I’ll let you know when the official DVD signing is (joke!).

Thirdly some of you know I’m not just a Pilates instructor but I’m also a dietitian and run DietitianUK, a nutrition business. I recently won an award from Theo Paphitis (from Dragons Den) and it’s certainly been keeping me busy. If you want any nutrition tips, recipes and advice you know where to come! There are often ideas on my blog 🙂

So hopefully now it’s time to get into the swing of classes, relax, put my feet up afterwards and have a cuppa (whilst chasing a one year around of course!). See you at class soon!

Pilates is for Physio’s too ;)

Recently I’ve had 2 physiotherapists join one of my Pilates classes. Oddly they both work together, in fact sit opposite each other and have both found and joined the same class without chatting to each other about it.

I myst admit I did feel rather apprehensive when I found out I had a physiotherapist in my class, surely they already know what to do, how to do it and are more qualified than me? If I get anything wrong they are going know and pick up on it? Cue a moment of low confidence in me and my Pilates ability.

What I have found instead, is that these 2 ladies are lovely. Yes they do know more than me, but that doesn’t mean they don’t also need to practise what they preach and doing that with someone else to prompt you and challenge you can be the best way. Both ladies needed to strengthen their core and chose Pilates as they know the benefits of it from their profession. They have actually been an encouragement to me commenting on how good my teaching skills are, a real compliment. Plus I get to pick their brains and ask them Pilates and alignment questions 😉

So if Physiotherapists feel they need to attend Pilates surely that shows just how much we all need to be doing it? Come along and try out a class, taster sessions are £5.50.

Point, Plie and Pirouette

Last night saw the launch of a new class for Pilates with Priya, something a little different but so, so great… Adult ballet 🙂 A great compliment to Pilates.

Now before you squirm there were no tutus, no sequins and ballet shoes optional. I’m not qualified to teach ballet, but luckily Chrissy is and she certainly put us through our paces! Focused around a barre this is a class that is focused on strength, toning and core stability. Inner thighs, outer thighs, quads and gluts are worked hard, the element of balance means your core gets activated and the positions used increase flexibility. Sounds hard, well yes it was, but in such a good way, plus it was a lot of fun. Cue much laughter and a room full of smiling ladies. No photos to show you I’m afraid, think I’ll have to wait a few weeks before a photo is allowed. None of us are going to cut it as prima ballerina’s but we are going to have fun working out and toning up. Plus in my opinion it’s a great chance to break out the legwarmers 🙂

Here’s a few comments from last night’s class:

“LOVED ballet, my thighs! I could barely drive home. They felt wibbly. “

“I hope my muscles forgive me. Ballet hilarious. Hard work but fun.