Is it too hot to exercise?

This is something I often hear said “I didn’t make class or do my workout as it was just too hot”. On the one hand I completely get this. There are times when I honestly don’t feel like being active and would prefer to curl up on the sofa or sit in the garden with a glass of wine. However once I get going and commit to doing the exercise it feels SO good.

Yes, sometimes it is hot. Yes, exercise can make you “sweat/perspire/glow/warm” insert whichever word you prefer. Yes, it can feel like the last thing you want to do. So should you do it?

I would always say GO DO IT. But then I am that person who has been running on the beach whilst on holiday in Sri-Lanka. It was 7am and it was awesome. So why exercise in the heat?

If you get out of routine it is harder to get back into it.

After you have gotten all hot and bothered you get the fun of cooling down and feeling smug that you’ve been and conquered.

It will get those endorphins pumping and you will feel energised, happier and healthier. Often the hotter weather can make you feel lethargic and sluggish, here is where exercise can help.

Think about changing your exercise routine to include activites that are more suited for hot times. Pilates and Swimming for example. Or schedule it into the cooler times of the day.

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© Fotograf77 | – Girl Running Photo

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